Helmi Learning

Our Learning Philosophy

The core of our lesson plans and teacher training is children’s right to be active in their learning process, equality, and a sustainable lifestyle.  All our lesson plans are based on the National core curriculum for ECEC Finland.

A Passion for Good Education

Helmi is a Finnish word for pearl. We in Helmi Learning share a passion for child-centered and inspiring education.

Finnish education is widely known for its quality. This is one of the major reasons why Finns are the happiest people in the world, as demonstrated by international research.

We are convinced that our services, Lesson Plans, and Teacher Training, are like pearls in which experience, happiness, play, and joy of learning are crystallized into high-quality tools for teachers.

We strive to build a world that supports the learning and growth of children. Happy children become happy adults!

Jaana Kalliokoski & Ari Perälä
Co-Founders of Helmi Learning

Helmi Learning Team

We support you in your teaching work with our inspiring and high-quality teaching materials and training services designed especially for early childhood education. As pedagogical professionals, we have a true passion for education - in a Finnish way. Contact us to learn more!

Get in touch

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact form.

  • Lesson Plans

    Helmi Lesson Plans are great for enriching teaching.

  • Teacher Training

    Choose a topic we have prepared for you, or ask for tailored training.

  • Other Services

    Our team is ready to support you in developing early childhood education.