Teacher Training

We train teachers on topics inspired by Finnish education. All training includes 2 hours of online training, training materials, and diplomas.

Teacher Training Topics

Play-Based Learning

Play-based learning helps children develop holistically. During play, children are exploring and solving problems. Playing helps children to learn different skills that support them to flourish socially, physically, and cognitively. 

Positive Pedagogy

The core of our positive pedagogy training is actively recognizing the good in children and focusing on their strengths.

Anti-Bullying and Restorative Practices

Prevention of bullying is based on the promotion of well-being and peace at school or in kindergarten. It is also supported by practicing children's socio-emotional skills. Our training includes several solutions for conflict management, restorative practices, and mediation taking account of the relationships, feelings, and needs of each individual.

 Lesson Planning

This topic includes principles on how to build pedagogically high quality and holistic Lesson Plans which are age-appropriate and fun. We also train you to improve your existing Lesson Plans even further. 

Morning Circle Activity

This topic introduces a morning circle activity (or circle time activity) which is a teaching method that can be used in a wide variety of situations in school.

Supporting Young Children in Mathematics

Research shows that early math support reduces difficulties in math later on. This topic provides tools to detect learning difficulties in maths and practical teaching methods and tips for early interventions.


  • 400 € (VAT 0%) / training

  • Includes 2 hours of online training, training materials and teacher certificates.

How to order

Please fill and submit the contact form.

  • Let children find the joy of learning

    Enhance your teaching quality with inspiring lesson plans. Helmi Lesson Plans are designed to encourage exploration and imagination.

  • Strenghten your skills

    Our experienced learning environment team is at your service to help you to create ideal environment for learning. Let us help you!