Other Services

Do you have an idea or a problem that you need help solving? We offer various services for starting and developing school activities.

Learning Environment Design

Research shows that an inspiring learning environment increases students' attention and focus, promotes meaningful learning experiences, encourages higher levels of student performance, and motivates students to practice higher-level critical thinking skills.

Our experienced learning environment team is at your service to help you to create an ideal place for learning or improve your existing learning environment.

Tailored Teacher Training

Helmi Learning offers a unique opportunity for teachers from around the world to learn best Finnish practices, grow their set of skills, and utilize them in their work. Our services help you to discover innovative teaching and learning methods to improve children's learning results and enhance family engagement in their learning process.

We provide training and workshops tailored for your special needs both on-site and online.

Curriculum design

A curriculum influences all activities in school and we experience it every single day. All curriculums share one goal: to help students learn. A good curriculum benefits the whole school - students and teachers - and helps the school to connect with parents and the community around them.

Let us help you to create the best curriculum for you based on Finnish education expertise.

Family engagement and parent participation

Family engagement means building a collaborative, positive, and strength-based relationship between a child’s family members, teachers, and the whole community for the best learning and happiness of children.

With the Helmi family engagement toolkit and training, you can start building a strong home-school partnership for your school.

Additional information

If you got interested, we will be happy to tell you more about the content and prices of the services.

How to ask more

Please fill and submit the contact form or send us an email.

  • Let children find the joy of learning

    Enhance your teaching quality with inspiring Lesson Plans. Helmi Learning lesson plans are designed to encourage exploration and imagination.

  • Increase teacher skills

    We train teachers on topics inspired by Finnish education. You can also ask for tailored training!